Rejoice with us: The book “BeVocal” with accompanying exercise booklet in a practical ring binder for the method has been published in German.

 It is aimed at all amateurs and professionals who are looking for new ways of using the instrument of the voice.


You will learn how to develop a healthy and powerful voice with the help of 10 detailed (physical) exercises. In addition, you will acquire important physiological background knowledge for your singing and teaching practice through the clear explanations and anatomical images.


This combination of practice and theory makes the book valuable for anyone who wants to develop their vocal potential effectively or who works in a teaching / therapeutic context.



Also new: The VocalGuide to the Potential Oriented Vocal Training online portal. Detailed descriptions of the exercises and a comprehensive glossary / index make it easier to work with the online portal. Also available as a free download.

There is no substitute for personal interaction. Experience the growth of your voice together with others. From comprehensive training in Potential Oriented Vocal Training to online groups and easy singing meetings, there is something for everyone.


You will find live seminars from my expert colleagues on many topics throughout Germany and Austria.  

Find the right seminar offer in your area here.

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