Year-long professional development course in ”Potential oriented vocal training“: This course is for anyone who would like to develop their own vocal potential and / or that of their
As singers, pedagogues and therapists who work with voices or who want to learn to, we have the opportunity to advance and cultivate the expressive possibilities of others’ voices. Our success
directly depends on our own understanding of the diverse and manifold ways in which our voices and our bodies function together.
“I am so thankful for this knowledge and for getting to know the Functional Technique. Not only as a singer, but also as a teacher. It’s just fantastic to no longer be feeling around in the dark when it comes to technique. Recognizing problems and having exercises ready to use, but also being able to adapt these exercises… Ingenious! Working as a voice teacher is once again truly a joy!” Renate, Voice Teacher
In the year-long professional development course, participants gain a fundamental overview of the physiological construction and the function of the voice as an instrument. The most integral
exercises of the Functional Method are introduced and discussed in detail, including their physiological effects.
With targeted exercises participants learn how they can influence and healthfully train the important parameters of the voice: pitch, range, intonation, volume, ability to carry, articulation,
timbre, dynamics, etc.
Since theoretically understanding the functions of the voice is only one part of the equation, joyfully discovering one’s own vocal potential is also a significant part of the Professional
Development Course.
The Professional Development Course is aimed at vocal pedagogues, choral conductors, voice therapists, (music) teachers, youth and child care workers, and people who work with the voices of
others and who wish to do so responsibly.
Due to the large amount of practical work included in the Professional Development Course, the year-long course is also suitable for singers who wish to more consciously and healthfully use their
voices. The “Potential oriented vocal training“ is applicable and useful for singers regardless of the style(s) of music in which they are interested (classical, jazz, pop, rock, etc.).
No prior knowledge is necessary! One need only be interested and curious about new vocal possibilities. Often there are opportunities to complement group seminars with one-on-one lessons.
The Professional Development Course is led with a comprehensive outline and there are audio recordings of each course day. This allows participants to make up for a missed day. Groups are led in
Munich and in Minden throughout the year, so participants also have the opportunity to visit the other group if they must miss their own weekend’s seminar.
Susanne Eisch
Birkenweg 1 | 32427 Minden
Fon 0571 - 97 21 950 | Mobil 0178 - 55 40 643