In this weekend seminar, we take time for our bodies, including gentle massages, that help us to let go of old and stressful things in our lives. There is plenty of time and support for TRE®
(Tension and Trauma Release Exercises) and a friendly environment in which we can truly listen to and be mindful of our bodies.
TRE® is an effective, independently studied method of releasing stress from the body. On this weekend we will practice TRE extensively. Furthermore, we will give each other partner massages
following Liza Kimble’s method. The goal is to gently release or loosen blockages in our fasciae. In addition to these, we will practice breath massages from Functional Voice Pedagogy. This
beneficial combination is designed to alleviate stress from our tissues. Participants are encouraged to implement the skills and techniques they learn on this weekend in their everyday
Here you can find an informative introduction to Liza Kimble’s methods: Video
Here you can learn more about TRE in general: Tension & Trauma Release Exercises
Susanne Eisch
Birkenweg 1 | 32427 Minden
Fon 0571 - 97 21 950 | Mobil 0178 - 55 40 643