Ongoing Group in Minden

Sing! Efficiently and dynamically

Stress-free … we experience and use our voices together …


In the first part of the evening we work as a group with Functional Voice exercises. We experience new possibilities and connections; we move our bodies and our voices together; we produce brand new tones.

“My voice is once again free and full of volume. Some people have been astounded at what has been possible for me! … Definitely to be recommended!” Martin, Graphic Artist

In the second part of the evening we use these new tones right away. We sing simple songs, canons and choral pieces — whatever is fun and sounds nice! We approach the music with delight and enjoyment and without demands or requirements.


This group is for anyone who is interested in effective work with the voice and who enjoys singing in groups. It is particularly conceptualized for people who have little to no experience with their voices, even for those who believe they cannot sing at all. People who do have experience singing but are searching for new ways to use their voices are in just the right place!