Continued Education Seminars

It is an objective of mine to continue accompanying the “alumni“ of the year-long Professional Development Course after the course has finished. Due to the complexity of the material, it can be very helpful to periodically refresh some topics.

Continued Education Seminars build upon the work done in the year-long course and support long-term work with “Potential oriented vocal training“. Participants can continue to develop their own vocal potential as well as to broaden their skills as pedagogues.
These seminars are orientated toward the questions and objectives of the participants, which are asked about at the beginning of each seminar. Generally speaking, we discuss topics from the year-long group in more detail and add sessions which we previously could not fit in. The day ends with a demonstration of a voice lesson with a willing participant from the group.

Of course other seminars can also be relevant for “alumni“ of the year-long course. The “Demonstration Days“ can be particularly interesting, but all of the seminars can offer an important deepening of understanding of previously learned concepts.